Distributive Analysis Stata Package

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     DASP Modules

DASP Pro-poor Modules






To estimate FGT pro-poor indices and its standard error taking full account of survey design. Indices are:


[1] Chen and Ravallion index (2003);
[2] Kakwani & Pernia (2000) index ;
[3] Kakwani, Khandker and Son (2003) -PEGR- index.






To draw the growth incidence curve and its confidence interval.






To estimate absolute and relative pro-poor curves with the primal approach.


CPROPOORD To estimate absolute and relative pro-poor curves with the dual approach.



























Detailed description:

Let the following notation:

Q(p) : quantile at percentile p.
GL(p) : generalised Lorenz at percentile p.
mu : average income.

[1] First-order absolute pro-poor curves
Select one of the two curves:

DELTA(p) = Q_2(p) - Q_1(p)
DELTA(p) = ( Q_2(p) - Q_1(p) ) / Q_1(p)

[2] Second-order absolute pro-poor curves

Select one of the two curves:

DELTA(p) = GL_2(p) - GL_1(p)
DELTA(p) = ( GL_2(p) - GL_1(p) ) /GL_1(p)

[3] First-order relative pro-poor curves
Select the curve:

DELTA(p) = Q_2(p)/Q_1(p) - mu_2/mu_1

[4] Second-order relative pro-poor curves

Select the curve:

DELTA(p) = GL_2(p)/GL_1(p) - mu_2/mu_1


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