Distributive Analysis Stata Package

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     DASP Modules

DASP Decomposition Modules



Decomposes FGT poverty indices by groups and provides standard errors on various elements of the decompositions.





To decompose the variation in FGT index between two periods into growth and redistribution
components. Approaches of decomposition are: (see the detailed description bellow).
  1. The Datt and Ravallion approach (1991).
  2. The Shapley approach.




To decompose poverty into transient and chronic components
  1. The Jallan and Ravallion (1998) approach.
  2. The Duclos, Araar and Giles (2006) approach.



The command dfgts decomposes the allevation of FGT poverty by income components and provides standard errors on elements of the decompositions. Without any source, the FGT index equals 1. The decomposition is performed using the Shapley value.



Decomposes generalized entropy index of inequality by groups and provides standard errors on elements of the decompositions.
DIGINIG Decomposes the Gini index (or the absolute one) by population subgroups.




Decomposes the Gini index by income sources. Approaches of decomposition are:
  1. The Rao's approach (1969);
  2. The Lerman and Yitzhaki approach (1985);
  3. The Araar approach (2006).


Decomposes the Gini index by income sources with the Shapley approach.


DPOLAG Decomposes the Duclos, Esteban amd Ray polarization index  by population subgroups (Araar (2008) aproach).


Decomposes the Duclos, Esteban amd Ray polarization index  by income components (Araar (2008) aproach).







The command rbdineq use the regression based decomposition approach to decompose inequality indices by income covariates.
The decomposition is performed using the Shapley value or the analytical approach. With the Shapley approach, the user can
select among the following inequality indices:

 . Gini
. Atkinson
. Coefficient of variation
. Generalised entropy




Decomposes inequality indices by income sources with the Shapley approach (Gini/Atkinson/Generalised Entropy/Coefficient of variantion).





Decomposes Alkire and Foster (2007) multidimensional poverty indices by groups and provides standard errors on various elements of the decompositions.





Sectoral decomposition of the change in FGT index between two periods.







Decomposes Alkire and Foster (2007) multidimensional poverty indices by groups and provides standard errors on various elements of the decompositions.







Decomposes Alkire and Foster (2007) M.D. poverty indices by dimensions using the Shapley value approach.




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