Distributive Analysis Stata Package

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     DASP Modules

DASP Poverty Targeting Modules











The module itargetg produces the following estimates and curves for a given list of population groups:

  • Impact of targeting population groups on FGT indice

  • Impact of targeting population groups on FGT curves (along an axis of poverty lines)

  • The confridence interval of the impact of targeting population groups on FGT curves (along an axis of poverty lines).





Poverty and targeting by population groups with a fixed budget.






Bi-dimensional poverty and targeting by population groups.















The module itargetc produces the following estimates and curves for a given list of population groups:

  • Impact of targeting welfare components on FGT indice;

  • Impact of targeting welfare components on on FGT curves (along an axis of poverty lines);

  • The confidence interval of targeting welfare components on FGT curves (along an axis of poverty lines).

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