DASP Poverty Targeting Modules
The module itargetg produces
the following estimates and curves for a given list of population groups:
Impact of targeting population
groups on FGT indice
Impact of targeting population
groups on FGT curves (along an axis of poverty lines)
The confridence interval of the
impact of targeting population groups on FGT curves (along an axis of
poverty lines).
Poverty and targeting by population
groups with a fixed budget. |
Bi-dimensional poverty and targeting
by population groups. |
The module itargetc produces
the following estimates and curves for a given list of population groups:
Impact of targeting welfare
components on FGT indice;
Impact of targeting welfare
components on on FGT curves (along an axis of poverty lines);
The confidence interval of
targeting welfare components on FGT curves (along an axis of poverty lines).