Distributive Analysis Stata Package

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     DASP Modules

DASP Distributive Curve Modules










Produces the following curves and theirs confidence intervals for a given list of variables:

  • Lorenz curves;

  • Generalized Lorenz curves;

  • Absolute Lorenz curves;

  • Concentration curves;

  • Generalized concentration curves;

  • Absolute concentration curves;

  • Deficit share curves;

  • Differences between curves.





Produces the difference between the following curve with confidence interval

  • (Generalized) Lorenz curves;

  • (Generalized) Concentration curves.




Produces the following curves and theirs confidence intervalsfor a given list of variables:

  • Normalised FGT curves;

  • FGT curves.





Produces the difference between the following curve with confidence interval

  • Normalised FGT curves;

  • FGT curves.




Produces the following curves for a given list of variables:

  • Poverty gap curves;

  • Cumulative poverty curves.





Produces the following curve with confidence interval

  • Normalised consumption dominance curves;

  • Consumption dominance curves.





Produces the difference between the following curve with confidence interval

  • Normalised consumption dominance curves;

  • Consumption dominance.

















The module cprog produces the progressivity curves (PR(p)) for a given list of variables (components).

Let x be a gross income.
. A tax t is Tax Redistribution (TR) progressive if:
. PR(p) = L_x(p) - C_t(p) > 0 for all p in ]0, 1[

. A transfer b is Tax Redistribution (TR) progressive if:
. PR(p) = C_b(p) - L_x(p) > 0 for all p in ]0, 1[

. A tax t is Income Redistribution (IR) progressive if:
. PR(p) = C_x-t(p) - L_x(p) > 0 for all p in ]0, 1[

. A transfer b is Income Redistribution (IR) progressive
. PR(p) = C_x+b(p) - L_x(p) > 0 for all p in ]0, 1[














The module cprogbt produces the progressivity curves to check if the tranfer b is more progressive that the tax t.(components).

Let x be a gross income.
. A transfer B is more Tax Redistribution (TR) than the tax T if:
. PR(p) = C_b(p) + C_t(p)- 2L_x(p) > 0 for all p in ]0, 1[

. A transfer B is more Income Redistribution (IR) than the tax T if:
. PR(p) = C_x+b(p) - C_x-t(p) > 0 for all p in ]0, 1[

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