Distributive Analysis Stata Package

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Main objective of the DASP project

The main purpose of this project is to produce a comprehensive package of Stata modules to help analyze the distribution of living standards. It is hoped
that this will be useful for measurement as well as for policy purposes.

DASP is freely distributed and freely available. Please acknowledge its use by quoting it as:  

Araar Abdelkrim and Jean-Yves Duclos (2007), "DASP: Distributive Analysis  Stata Package", PEP, World Bank, UNDP and Université Laval.

Features of the DASP Package

  • Estimate the most popular statistics (indices, curves) used for the analysis of poverty, inequality, social welfare, and equity;
  • Estimate the differences in such statistics;
  • Estimate standard errors and confidence intervals by taking full account of survey design;
  • Support distributive analysis on more than one data base;
  • Perform the most popular distributive decomposition procedures;
  • Check for the ethical robustness of distributive comparisons;
  • Unify syntax and parameter use across various estimation procedures for distributive analysis.

Stata and distributive analysis

The Stata software has become a very popular tool to transform and process data. It comes with a large number of basic data management modules that are highly efficient for transformation of large datasets. The flexibility of Stata also enables programmers to provide specialized .ado routines to add to the power of the software. This is indeed how DASP interacts with Stata. DASP, which stands for Distributive Analysis Stata Package, is mainly designed to assist researchers and policy analysts interested in conducting distributive analysis with Stata.



DASP © 2006-2026


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